what can we do for you?
For emergencies, always contact us by phone. Do you have a non-urgent question? Then you can use our digital capabilities quickly and reliably 24/7.
Plan your visit
Huisartsenpraktijk Westertoren
Westermarkt 2 (Attention! Entrance at Keizersgracht 198)
1016 DK Amsterdam
Tel: 020 - 4509919
Not a patient? Contact us at info@hapwestertoren.nl.
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 08:00-17:00
Open all year round except weekends and holidays
Telephone accessibility:
Monday to Friday 08:00-14:00 a.m.
For emergencies, we are available Monday through Friday 08:00-17:00 hours
Consultation hours:
We work by appointment, see here for more info
Outside opening hours:
For urgent situations after 17:00, at weekends and on public holidays
Amsterdam GP Centre
Tel: 088 0030 600
Website: www.huisartsenpostenamsterdam.nl
A complaint?
Discuss your dissatisfaction with your doctor
If you are dissatisfied, we appreciate you discussing this with us. To this end, we have established an internal HapWestertoren Complaint Procedure. Every employee knows how he or she can help you further with your dissatisfaction or your complaint so that we can try to solve this problem together with you.
Open the form here: Complaint Form HAP Westertoren. After we receive the completed form, the practice manager will contact you as soon as possible.
If this is difficult for you or if you cannot come to an agreement with us, you can discuss your complaint with an independent and impartial complaints officer.
For any complaints, we are affiliated with Stichting Klachten en Geschillen Eerstelijnszorg - SKGE
Complaints OfficerÂ
The complaint officer/practice manager will work with you to resolve your complaint or problem. The complaint officer may attempt to mediate the complaint. The complaint officer does not take sides and therefore has no judgment. Everything you tell the complaint officer is confidential.
If you do not come to an agreement with your GP and with mediation by the complaints officer, you can request a ruling on your complaint from the GP Care Disputes Committee. This independent committee consists of a chairman (a lawyer) and members on behalf of patients and members on behalf of GPs. The committee is assisted by an official secretary who is also a lawyer.
The judgment of the Dispute Resolution Body is binding.
Questions about Quin?
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